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Question 1

Are your menstrual cycles usually between 26 and 32 days long?

Your Response: Don't Know

CycleBeads are designed for women who usually have cycles between 26 and 32 days long. Here are some questions to help you find out if you usually have cycles within this range.

  • Do my periods usually come when I think they will? Think back over your last few cycles. If your period came at a time that seemed normal to you, that means your cycles come fairly regularly. If you were surprised when your period started, they may not be regular.

  • When did my last period start? Look at your calendar and try to remember where you were or what you were doing the last time you started your period. Mark that date on your calendar.

  • When do I think my next period will start? Think ahead about when you are likely to start your next period. Mark that date on your calendar.

  • How many days are there between the day my last period started and the day I think my next period will start? Count the days on your calendar. Start with the day you started your last period and count to the day before you think your next period will start.

If you can tell by answering these questions that your cycles are likely to be between 26 and 32 days long, click Continue below.

If you can tell by answering these questions that your cycles are not likely to be between 26 and 32 days long, you should use a different method of family planning. Click Exit below.

If you are still not sure whether your cycles are between 26 and 32 days long, you should keep track on a calendar before using CycleBeads to help you avoid unplanned pregnancies.


CycleBeads® and Standard Days Method® are trademarks of Georgetown University. CycleBeads and CycleBeads are patented products based on the scientifically proven Standard Days Method of family planning, manufactured and distributed by Cycle Technologies under license. Models used for illustrative purposes. © Cycle Technologies, 2002-2019.

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